GIRLS CAMP Highlight Day 3: Schedule. The schedule at Girls Camp has a lot going on and planned during the day. Similar to Boys Camp, the schedule allows for the wide age range of girls to get the most out of their day and week. There is the usual meals and Chapel times and activity periods. But there are also the quiet times, free time activities, and whole camp activities that keep you pretty busy. But even amongst the moving structure of the schedule, there is still time to stop and enjoy the view, especially the beautiful sunsets. The schedule at Girls Camp allows you to experience and soak up as much as you can for one day and for one week!

GIRLS CAMP Highlight Day 3: Schedule. The schedule at Girls Camp has a lot going on and planned during the day. Similar to Boys Camp, the schedule allows for the wide age range of girls to get the most out of their day and week. There is the usual meals and Chapel times and activity periods. But there are also the quiet times, free time activities, and whole camp activities that keep you pretty busy. But even amongst the moving structure of the schedule, there is still time to stop and enjoy the view, especially the beautiful sunsets. The schedule at Girls Camp allows you to experience and soak up as much as you can for one day and for one week!

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