GIRLS CAMP Highlight Day 2: ACTIVITIES – Girls Camp offers a wide range of activities which, just like Boys Camp, can be experienced through an activity period you sign up for, where you learn the skills and ways on how to do a certain activity; or through more relaxed activities during free time; or activities played in the evening during the camp game! They have the standards like canoeing, archery, mountain biking, etc, but there is also more unique ones like outdoor cooking and cake decorating. The team games played in the evening usually follow the theme of the week and be quite interesting/creative. Needless to say, there is a lot of activity to be done at Girls Camp!

GIRLS CAMP Highlight Day 2: ACTIVITIES - Girls Camp offers a wide range of activities which, just like Boys Camp, can be experienced through an activity period you sign up for, where you learn the skills and ways on how to do a certain activity; or through more relaxed activities during free time; or activities played in the evening during the camp game! They have the standards like canoeing, archery, mountain biking, etc, but there is also more unique ones like outdoor cooking and cake decorating. The team games played in the evening usually follow the theme of the week and be quite interesting/creative. Needless to say, there is a lot of activity to be done at Girls Camp!

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