Girls Camp


Week 1: July 28 – August 3

Week 2: August 4 – 10

Ages: 8 – 15

Director: Erin Campbell

Asst. Director: Laurel Campbell

Evening Program/Theme Coordinator:  Meg Bull

Bible Teachers: Eleanor Wagner, Cathy Young, Judi Hall

Girls Camp at Iroquoina is an unique experience of Christian camping that runs for two weeks. You may come for one week or for both. Girls enjoy campfires, cookouts, activities, having secret sisters, and participating in lots of singing. Girls experience the discipline of a daily quiet time with the Lord and an evening devotional in addition to the Bible studies. Camp ends with our traditional sing at the lake by the campfire and the girls leave camp having had the opportunity to walk more closely with the Lord and with a time full of memories and new friends.

Here is a link where you can find more specific information about this year’s Girls Camp:

Girls Camp offers a Junior-Counselor-in-Training (JCIT) program for qualified older campers (age 15 and older). This program includes an overnight, off-camp-grounds backpacking/canoe trip.
For more information about the JCIT program, please email Wendy Becky:

Paid in Full By June 1Paid in Full After June 1

Along with Registration We Ask Every Camper and or Parent/Guardian to Review and Fill Out the Waiver and Health Forms found on the link below.  Please bring these filled out forms with you to camp.

  Waiver and Health Forms

*There is a multiple week discount for Teen Camp, Boys Camp, Soccer Camp, and Girls Camp attendees. Children who attend multiple weeks of camp are required to pay the full camp fee for their first week. They are then eligible to receive a $50 discount for each week after the first week.

Scholarships are available for those in need of financial assistance. Please Contact the Registrar by email for the link to the form.