SOCCER CAMPHIGHLIGHT 2:CHAPEL TIMEWhile soccer related activities take up a good majority of the time at Soccer Camp, there are other things/activity that does take place. One of those main things are the Chapel Times that happen everyday. Most of them take place in the morning and include a time of singing and messages from the Bible by the main speaker! And as you can see by the photo, the Chapel Barn is decked out with international flags from other soccer(futbol) playing countries! There also may be a special Praise/Worship Concert one evening or maybe even a movie, like in years past! For more info go to the Soccer Camp page on the website, where you’ll also find the link to the Soccer Camp Blog and can look at things from years past. See the #linkinthebio To see a video of the a Chapel time, head over to our FB page!#campiroquoina #summercamp2019 #summercamp #iroqsoccercamp2019 #soccer #camphighlights #chapeltimes