GIRLS CAMP HIGHLIGHT 4:THEMESThemesEvery year we choose a theme for the week(s) of Girls Camp. We have had a lot of fun over the years as we have done the Olympics, Storybook, Life-Size Board Games, Narnia, Creation, Knights and Castles, and so many more. Once we choose our theme, we go all out. The cabins get decorated, we plan special activities, perform skits, dress up in costumes, and prepare a banquet at the end of the week. The campers work with their cabin to complete special challenges all throughout the week. You can expect some Amazing Adventures this year, and we can’t wait! Teams will be competing in physical challenges, puzzles, and much more. We hope to see you there! #campiroquoina #summercamp2019 #aummercamp #iroqgirlscamp2019 #camphighlight #themes